Wednesday, April 14, 2010

KoranG tahu x?? Aku Dah Tahu dah

How Malaysia gets meetings with the US President

George Bush - USD 1 Million
Barack Obama - USD 8 Million

SAmI BuDdha BersoLat Dalam masJid???

artikel ini terpilih utk disiarkan oleh detikdaily&utaraonline pada Isnin 20/04/09

CK...Aku Harap KoranG janGan La FikiR YAng BUkan2 ek....Aku Pon Xdapat Maklumat tentang Gambar Ni....Tapi Pakat Kita Renung2kan Yo.Kata bAwah Aku Paste pendapat tentang gambar Ni

SAttAr...aku rasa sami tu (bekas sami) baru peluk Islam dan tak sempat tukar pakaian, terus je solat. nampak pelik tapi tak ada apa-apa sebenarnya.

Kalau betul tekaanku, aku nak takbir..

April 20, 2009 11:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Setuju dgn pandangan sattar
Aku rasa gambar ni mungkin dari thailand atau kedah atau kelantan.tempat lain mungkin tidak

April 21, 2009 12:18 AM
Anonymous said...
sekurang-kurangnya akidah mereka dah terselamat..alhamdulillah..

April 30, 2009 3:43 AM

Wah-waH Gaya sakan NamPak AndaRtU Kita Ni

Written by Admin
Friday, 11 December 2009 15:46

Dear Editor,

I don't think I want to provide any of my own comments here because the pictures below should be enough to tell a million tales in a million different languages. After all these photos were taken in the driveway of Azalina's own house.

Let it be known that I am not the one who took the pictures I received them via email from people who want me to distribute them as widely as possible so that the whole of Malaysia knows something about this woman that they otherwise mightn't have.

I am aware that the cars in these images are from Azalina's personal collection. Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, SmartCar, Land Rover, (Toyota) Alphard are seen here in these images but I know there are even more cars although I do not know where she has kept them.

I'm told that there are still others stored elsewhere as well. So the question is where on earth did Azalina get the money to buy not just one but so many such cars? I guess you don't have to be an expert to figure out how much they are all worth let alone those we have not seen because they are in storage. Go figure this one out.

Check out the registration numbers of some of the cars here such as WLV-3. When did Azalina become a federal minister? When did she become a minister of tourism? When was WLV-3 registered? Put these together and find out for yourself.

Apparently Azalina has this to say in her defence:

"I did not rob the people of their money! I did not cheat my fellow Malays!"

Well if that's the case, where did she get the money? Is a federal minister this well paid? Does she carry any other day jobs? Can we check our income tax? Has she fully declared all her possessions?

Azalina, we're not idiots. You might think so but that's only your typical BN-type arrogance. Wait till we get our claws on you. Wait till we retain the powers of the courts, the power of the police, the power of the law and the power to dump you and all your cronies in labour camps.

Azalina, we will get you. The people have made the promise.

You are a dead little duck.


Fenomena CeriTA naBi Musa A.S

Suatu kejadian alam yang sama sekali tidak ada kaitannya dengan kisahMozes (Musa), the Ten Commandments dalam buku Exodus-Holy Bible.Hanya,..... kira-kira mirip.Ini adalah penomena alam yang paling mengagumkam di Korea Selatan yangdinamai "Moses Miracle", dua kali setahun terjadi air surut, terbukasuatu alur daratan sepanjang 2.8 kilometer dan lebar 40 meter yangmenghubungkan pulau Jindo dan Modo selama beber apa jam.

Suatu festival diadakan untuk mengingatkan kejadian alam dan dihadiriorang-orang dari segala penjuru dunia ini. Bagaimanapun kejadian alamini belum begitu diketahui sampai tahun 1975, ketika Mr. Pierre Randiduta besar Perancis untuk negara Korea berkunjung kemari danmempublikasikannya di surat kabar Perancis

Cantik Ciptaan Allah S.W.T ni....SubHanaLLah

Tasik Lac Rose Retba atau Tasik Merah Jambu (Pink) terletak di utara semenanjung Cap Vert Senegal
Dinamakan sedemikian kerana airnya berwarna merah jambu, disebabkan oleh cyanobacteria yg terkandung didalam air. Warna ini dapat dilihat terutamanya pada musim kemarau. Tasik ini juga mengandungi kandungan garam yang tinggi seperti Laut Mati. Ini memungkinkan manusia boleh terapung dengan mudah. Tasik itu juga memiliki garam yang dijadikan industri kecil dan sering menjadi lokasi terakhir Rally Dakar.Ramai pekerja pengumpul garam bekerja 6-7 jam sehari di tasik yang memiliki kandungan garam sehingga mencecah 40% ini